
online essay

contemporary media is the different media from traditional media. The traditional media includes the newspaper, broadcasting and television. The contemporary media depends on the technology developing, it includes the network and mobile telephone media. Both of new mediums have two main functions which are information and entertainment. The network creates the popular and new form of entertainment, it also change the people's habit of entertainment.


Internet Protocol television (IPTV) is a system through which digital television service is delivered using the architecture and networking methods of the Internet Protocol Suite over a packet-switched network infrastructure. In the traditional media, television is belong to one-way. Audiences only accept the programs which television stations play. There is no choose and interaction. Following the IPTV (Internet Protocol television) appear, the traditional way changed a lot, audiences become the real master and the entertainment of television become one thing which follow people's inclinations.

The main feature of the Internet Protocol television has been pointed in this essay. Interaction, as the main feature of the Internet Protocol television is called video-on-demand. Every audiences do not just accept information which is arranged by television station, they can choose the programs which they want to watch. It is obvious that the Internet Protocol television topples over the traditional position, audience and television medium can accept and convey information each other. In recent years, the program of IPTV mainly includes music and films. Compare to traditional television programs, the every audience in IPTV is user and producer. They can choose some programs which they like to process second time. For example, they can cut some scenes in films and edit caption for some films. They also can make some interactive question or game in the films. So IPTV makes the traditional television from popular and big group to small group. Every people become teletrician and television infector.


A blog is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject which owner writes. In other way, the blog has the function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog includes text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art, photographs, videos, music, and audio.

Blog is one the developing fast thing in the network as a contemporary media. The blog makes every people get own internet space very easy. They can record some thing which they consider worthy experience. The blog shows the owner's character, it means that the blog is a self-expression.

Blog: advantage

Compare to traditional media, the blog has three advantages.


Compare to traditional media, the information in blog releases and renew realy fast. Blog can deal with new information really quickly. Specially, when the mobile blog succeed to use, people can scan blog and renew news at all times and places. So it obvious that the timeliness exerts maximum. Compare to traditional media, like newspaper, newspaper renew so slowly, almost one day at lease. Though the television and broadcasting can live broadcast, they can not deal with some emergency so quickly. They need discontinue other program and make some preparation for relay broadcasting. In this way, it obvious slower than blog.


Blog can write back information and comment on some topic directly. Of course, both of blog owner and reader can do this at same time. This kind of function as a solid support for people communicate to each other. Compare to traditional media, like newspaper or phone-in, they exist control problem from intermediate link. So blog is more direct and extensive than those traditional media. Simultaneously, blog has a function of interlinkage which can help people to find some interrelated information and make abundant resource sharing.


All the time, most of the traditional medium are controlled by government, partisan and enterprise. It is impossible that there are no orientation in those programs. Blog is total individuation and it has the milk of human kindness and vitality. So this is why blog is more friendly than traditional medium.

Blog: shortcoming

Everything in the world has shortcoming. The shortcoming of blog shows authenticity and public credibility. The most of the blog owners are not professional person. So they lock professional training and professional ethics. So they can not investigate and confirm some information. Someone even make some pseudo event and make him (or her) well-know.

To sum up, the developing of contemporary media make the boundary blurry and break the structure of traditional media. Both of the contemporary media and traditional media are existent in society. In my opinion, they should strengthen respective advantages and improve shortcomings. To put it simply, two media have complementary advantages and draw the strong points of others to offset one's own weakness. In this way, they can develop much better and more fast.


Brian Dutton, The media, London, 1986

David Kline and Dan Burstein, Blog! : how the newest media revolution is changing politics, business, and culture, New York, 2005

Aaron Barlow, Blogging America: the new public sphere, Praeger, 2008

Jane Stokes, How to do media & cultural studies, London, 2003

AJ Flanagin, MJ Metzger - Human Communication Research, 2001

B Bimber, AJ Flanagin, C Stohl - Communication Theory, 2005

HA Shugart - Critical Studies in MediaCommunication, 2003

RK Mott, JD Ford - Technical Communication, 2007

TJ Johnson, BK Kaye - Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 2004

Barb Palser, "journalistic Blogging," American journalism Review
24 (July/August 2002): 58; Catherine Seipp, "Online Uprising," American
journalism Rcviczi' 24 (June 2002): 42-47.

