

Virtual communities

"when people carry on public discussions long enough, with sufficient human feeling, to form webs of personal relationships...”( H.Rheingold,1993,The Virtual Community)Virtual communities, or online communities, are used for a variety of social and professional groups interacting via the Internet. Virtual communities become a supplemental form of communication between people who know each other primarily in real life. Though discussing, people from anywhere can discuss some society problems together.

web 2.0 = Read-Write Web

The Features described create a version of the internet where average people can contribute --- The Read-Write web. It means that everyone can read the web and write some critiques. People can share their mind. As a social media, web makes a very important position. A Web 2.0 site allows its users to interact with other users or to change website content, in contrast to non-interactive websites where users are limited to the passive viewing of information that is provided to them.

