
week 3

In week 3, the main information is shot. I think it can be think cinematographic qualities. It is not only the content of shot, but also how to shot. To explain it, there are three factors: (1) the qualities of video, (2) the structure of menu (3) time and length. ( those factors have a direct bearing on camera lens.)

Camera lens: focus

The MS (Mid Shot) Shows some part of the subject in more detail whilst still giving an impression of the whole subject. It answers the ‘what’ question by showing your subject performing an action. Focus is 35-55mm. (for example, first picture)

The WS (Wide Shot = Long Shot) The subject is our answer to the ‘where’ question, at the
beginning of a scene it is also known as the Establishing Shot. It takes up the full frame, or at least as much as possible. (for example, the second picture)

180° rule

It makes sure the common space between camera lens.
It makes sure the special direction-sense of screen.
180° rule makes a clear project for space.

